Number of Imaged Items on Entire Site: 4699

Last updated March 22, 2025 U.S. Revenue Stamps with Margin Imprints or Plate Numbers

Another fun area to collect is trying to find early revenues that have either margin imprints or plate numbers still attached.

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Scott # 76

Margin imprint single of 5-cent Thomas Jefferson (Scott #76) postage stamp used illegally as a revenue stamp on an affidavit. Ironically, the document is attesting to the fitness of a William Henderson to practice law.

Catalogue value shown is for normal postal use on cover.

Scott # 286

2-cent Trans-Mississippi commemorative plate number single used illegally as revenue stamp on an 1899 check, signed by (then) Major H. H. Bandholtz, of future Philippines 'O.B.' overprint fame.

Scott # R3c

Partial margin imprint capture with a gorgeous stencil cancel.

Scott # R5c

Horizontal pair with imprint capture.

Scott # R6c

2014 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Plate blocks of 1st issue revenues are quite scarce. Granted, it has been very heavily reinforced around the edges. There are blue threads on 2 of the 24 stamps, but the PF has determined that it is not silk paper, so the block is not R6d.

Scott # R6c

Nice margin imprint capture.

Scott # R6c

Complete bottom sheet margin imprint capture in a strip of 5, on a payroll ledger.

Scott # R13b

Partial margin imprint at bottom.

Scott # R13c

2-cent proprietary with partial margin imprint capture at bottom, used illegally as documentary on an 1867 probate court receipt.

Scott # R15c

Nice margin imprint capture.

Scott # R19b

Bottom margin single with partial imprint.

Scott # R24a

Jumbo margins with partial margin imprint at bottom.

Scott # R27c

Plate block of 4 used on a tattered document.

Scott # R27c

Plate number single.

Scott # R36b

Partial plate number single.

Scott # R42b

Mint with full original gum and margin imprint.

Scott # R44c

Margin imprint capture at left.

Scott # R44c

Jumbo margins at left and right with a margin imprint capture at left. There is a double transfer in the lettering of the imprint, which occurred when they erased the Butler & Carpenter imprint and replaced it with the Joseph R. Carpenter imprint.

Scott # R49a

Very scarce position piece, a horizontal strip of four with full plate number imprint at right. Sadly torn in half and reattached. Catalogue value shown is simply that of two pairs.

Scott # R54c

Amazing margin imprint running down the entire left side of stamp. Perfectly positioned!

Scott # R54c

Margin capture at left.

Scott # R54c

Nice partial imprint capture.

Scott # R60a

Plate number single with imprint.

Scott # R64b

Vertical strip of 4 with partial margin imprint at bottom.

Scott # R69d

Margin imprint capture.

Scott # R80c

A bit of a wounded warrior, but a nice oval handstamp cancel and margin imprint at left.

Scott # R80c

Undetermined blue handstamp cancel, partial margin imprint capture at left.

Scott # R81c

Margin imprint at left.

Scott # R85c

Margin imprint capture at left.

Scott # R107

Margin imprint pair with partial plate number. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R109

Full margin imprint capture at bottom.

Scott # R112

Horizontal plate no. pair.

Scott # R112

Bottom margin plate number single. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # R112c

Sewing machine perfs and a partial margin imprint capture at top.

Scott # R118

Plate number imprint.

Scott # R123

Margin imprint. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R123

Plate number single. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R123

Plate number and imprint pair. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R123

$2 second issue plate number single on a guardian's deed, along with $1 and 50-cent stamps.

Scott # R125

Full margin imprint at bottom.

Scott # R135

Left margin plate number strip of 4. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # R135

Left margin plate block of 6, plate 9. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # R135

Plate number single with a nice well-struck oval cancel.

Scott # R137

Nice margin imprint capture at bottom.

Scott # R141

Partial imprint capture at top.

Scott # R144

Bottom margin plate single, plate 25. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # R144

Margin imprint.

Scott # R151

Left margin plate number single, plate C9. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # R151

Left margin plate number single, plate B9. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # R152b

Nice margin imprint single used on bank check.

Scott # R155

Inking anomaly, possibly from a raised spacer or wooden furniture used in tightening the type.

Scott # R163

1c battleship documentary block of 10 with partial margin imprint at the bottom, on a document fragment, with interesting patriotic 'Remember the Maine' sentiment written across the block.

Scott # R164

Block of 4 with partial margin imprint, showing a large format multiline handstamp cancel.

Scott # R171p

Plate number strip of 4. Scott value above is as 4 singles. Durland lists a plate number strip of 3 at $350.

Scott # R239

Plate block of 21, quite scarce. Catalog value above is from the Durland Catalog for an unused plate block of 8.

Scott # RB1a

RB1a used illegally on document along with two R135 (including one with margin imprint capture) and an R24c, paying the correct 10-cent tax on a $175 promissory note.

Scott # RB4a

Top margin horizontal margin imprint pair.

Scott # RB11b

Bottom margin plate block of 4, plate 3 mirror imaged. Full gum never hinged. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # RB13a

Top plate number block of 10, plate 7. Precanceled with full gum. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # RB13b

Unusual printed signature cancel, some of the lettering indeterminate. Second initial could be C, G, or E. Bottom margin imprint partially visible.

Scott # RB15b

Bottom plate number strip of 3, plate 3 mirror imaged. Ex-Cleland. Pictured in the Durland Catalog.

Scott # RB22

Plate block of 9, no gum.

Scott # RB22

Top inscription block of nine, no gum.

Scott # RB24

Plate number strip of 6.

Scott # RE15

Plate number margin imprint capture, plate # 332. Plate number singles on Wine revenue stamps are extremely scarce.

Scott # RE30

Very scarce plate number 413 single. The catalog value listed is from Durland. Undervalued in my opinion.

Scott # RE34

Unused block of 10 with margin imprint capture at bottom. Very scarce on wine stamps. Catalog value shown is for 10 singles.

Scott # RE52

Left margin imprint capture. Very scarce on wine stamps.

Scott # RG11

Bottom margin plate block of 4. Catalog value is from the 2016 Durland catalog.

Scott # RJA33

Top margin plate block of 8. Plate block catalog value is from 2016 Durland catalog.

Scott # RJA34

Top margin plate block of 8. Catalog value is from 2016 Durland catalog.

Scott # RJA39

Top margin plate block of 6. Catalog value is from the 2016 Durland Catalog.

Scott # RK18

Imperforate margin imprint capture at right.

Scott # RK18

Imperforate margin imprint capture at right.

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