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Last updated February 18, 2018 U.S. 2nd Issue Revenue Stamps


The table below lists all the major varieties for the second issue of U.S. Revenues. If I own a particular variety, I have a link to a scan of the stamp(s); an entry without a link means I still need the stamp. Feel free to contact me if you wish to sell/trade me a revenue I need (I'm always looking to trade worldwide classics for U.S. revenues. A blank table cell indicates that this particular variety does not exist for that denomination/type.

Clicking on an image thumbnail will pop up a window with the full-size image.

Perf. 12 Inverted
Variety Description
R103 R103  R103a     1¢ (Blue and Black)
R104 R104  R104a     2¢ (Blue and Black)
R105 R105        3¢ (Blue and Black)
R106 R106        4¢ (Blue and Black)
R107 R107  R107a     5¢ (Blue and Black)
R108 R108        6¢ (Blue and Black)
R109 R109  R109a R109      10¢ (Blue and Black)
R110 R110        15¢ (Blue and Black)
R111 R111  R111a     20¢ (Blue and Black)
R112 R112  R112a R112c R112b  R112d
(perforated 8)
25¢ (Blue and Black)
25¢ (Blue and Black)
R113 R113        30¢ (Blue and Black)
R114 R114        40¢ (Blue and Black)
R115 R115  R115b R115b  R115a R115a    50¢ (Blue and Black)
R116 R116      Foreign entry, design of 70c R116  60¢ (Blue and Black)
R117 R117  R117a     70¢ (Blue and Black)
R118 R118  R118a R118      $1 (Blue and Black)
R119 R119        $1.30 (Blue and Black)
R120 R120    R120a   $1.50 (Blue and Black)
      R120 R120  $1.50 (Blue and Black)
Foreign entry, design of $1
R121 R121        $1.60 (Blue and Black)
R122 R122        $1.90 (Blue and Black)
R123 R123        $2 (Blue and Black)
R124 R124        $2.50 (Blue and Black)
R125 R125        $3 (Blue and Black)
R126 R126        $3.50 (Blue and Black)
R127 R127  R127a     $5 (Blue and Black)
R128 R128        $10 (Blue and Black)
R129 R129        $20 (Blue and Black)
R130 R130        $25 (Blue and Black)
R131 R131        $50 (Blue and Black)
R132       $200 (Red and Blue and Black)
R133       $500 (Orange and Green and Black)

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