Number of Imaged Items on Entire Site: 4699

Last updated March 22, 2025 U.S. Revenue Stamp Multiples

Another fun area to collect is revenue multiples: pairs, blocks, strips, etc. In fact, for imperf and part-perf 1st-issue revenues, the only real way to be sure that you do not have a trimmed or reperfed stamp is to obtain a multiple.

Click on any thumbnail below to pop up a window with more information and a zoomable high-resolution image.

Scott # 63

Horizontal pair of 1-cent Benjamin Franklin (Scott #63) postage stamps illegally used as revenues. Unusual to find multiples.

Catalogue value shown is for normal postal use on cover.

Scott # 63

Horizontal pair used improperly as revenues on an 1867 receipt.

Scott # 65

Just an incredible piece! Doubly illegal, with postage stamps used as revenues, and miscalculation of the tax owed. Two promissory notes (one year and two year) dated February 22, 1865, each for $450, with 15 randomly placed #65. The correct tax, five cents per $100 or part thereof, should have been 25 cents per note, or 50 cents, but the illegal attempted payment, 45 cents was based on the cumulative total of $900. The two receipts on the back are not taxable because they were on the same sheet of paper as the notes.

Scott # 65

Horizontal pair of 3-cent Washington (Scott #65) used illegally as revenues on a sale of land.

Scott # 65

A one-of-a-kind piece: a complete bottom margin plate block of 16 used improperly as revenue stamps, on a fragment of the original document. This is currently the only reported used plate block of any kind. Scott does not value a used plate block. An unused plate block of 8 catalogues $4,750.

Scott # 73

Horizontal strip of 3 2-cent Andrew Jackson 'Black Jack' (Scott #73) used illegally as revenue stamps. Multiples used illegally are especially scarce.

Scott # 86

Vertical pair, either Scott #86 (E grill) or #92 (F grill) used improperly as revenues on a March 1869 draft. While the stamps themselves have condition issues, this is an incredibly scarce piece. Not just because grilled issues used improperly as revenue stamps are very uncommon, but also in the fact that it is a Texas usage. Revenue stamped Texas documents from the Civil War era are very scarce, as there were not yet any major population centers in Texas at this time, so very few documents survived.

Scott # 112

Vertical pair of 1869 1c Ben Franklin, used improperly as revenue stamps on document. Very rare, one of only two reported pairs used as revenue stamps.

Scott # 113

Block of 4 and a single, used illegally as revenue stamps, paying 10-cents tax on a January 1, 1872 promissory note. Used blocks of #113 are incredibly scarce, considerably more so than mint blocks. To my knowledge, this is the only reported revenue usage of a #113 block.

Scott # 279

Vertical pair used illegally as revenues on a bank check.

Scott # 279

Vertical pair of 1-cent green Ben Franklins (Scott #279) used illegally as revenues.

Scott # 279B

A horizontal strip of 5 2-cent Washington postage stamps illegally paying 10 cents tax on an 1898 divorce decree.

Scott # 281

Block of 4 with both manuscript and horizontal cut cancels. Improper usage of postage as revenue. Too bad it is not still on the original document.

Scott # 286

Pair and two singles of the 2-cent Trans-Mississippi used illegally as revenues on a fragment of a promissory note.

Scott # 294

2015 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Irregular reconstructed block of 14 mint OG 1-cent Pan Americans with counterfeit 'IR' handstamp overprints. Interesting aesthetic piece... would be better if it were genuine.

Scott # L29

Mint NH block of 72 of the 60-cent Ohio Wine and Mixed Beverage tax stamp, originally issued in 1939. Catalog value shown is for 72 singles.

Scott # R1a

Scott # R1a

Horizontal strip of 5. Catalogue value shown is for 2 pairs and a single.

Scott # R1b

Vertical pair. Warren Stetson was the purchasing agent and later the paymaster for the Troy and Greenfield Railroad, in North Adams Massachusetts. Not listed in Tolman/Shellabear. Green ink cancels are exceptionally scarce.

Scott # R1b

Vertical strip of 5.

Scott # R1b

Vertical pair. Part perf multiples are quite scarce on CDVs.

Scott # R1b

Vertical pair.

Scott # R1b

Double transfer in both bottom numerals of top stamp. Extremely scarce. DT is not listed in Scott for the part perforate stamp. The catalog value shown above is just for a normal pair.

Scott # R1b

1983 APEX certificate. Very scarce short transfer (bottom of upper stamp). Interestingly, the 1866 usage is very late for a part perf.

Scott # R1b

Amazingly scarce item: A legitimate late-date east coast usage of a part perf or imperf. Typically genuine late-date usages are confined to the West Coast (California, Oregon, Washington) or are not genuine imperfs or part perfs, as supplies had been fully consumed by mid-to-late 1864. An 1868 usage is incredibly late, but this being a vertical pair makes it unquestionably genuine.

Scott # R1b

Intact top margin block of twelve. Catalogue value is for three blocks of four. Currently the second largest intact (non-rejoined) multiple of R1b.

Scott # R1c

Vertical strip of 3. The middle stamp in the strip is a short transfer.

Scott # R2c

Horizontal pair and single of 2-cent Playing Cards, used illegally as postage on an 1865 cover from Colas Mouth, West Virginia. The single and the left stamp from the pair each have a vertical plate scratch. If you digitally position the single above the left stamp of the pair, it looks like it could be one long continuous scratch crossing both stamps. Very unique piece.

Scott # R3b

Horizontal pair. Exhibits the quality-control issues from the 1860s. Unfortunately it is of minimal value due to all the faults. Very similar to lot 1912 in the Joyce collection, 1991.

Scott # R3c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R3c

Vertical block of 6.

Scott # R3c

Wholesale druggists. Horizontal pair.

Scott # R3c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R3c

The manuscript cancels are pretty mundane. Of greater interest is the stencil backstamp. I do not know if it was ever used as a stamp cancel. Ex-Baryla.

Scott # R3c

Mint with full gum. Horizontal block of 6.

Scott # R3c

Choice strikes of this 3-line cancel. Ex-Baryla.

Scott # R3c

Scott # R3c

Horizontal strip of 3.

Scott # R3c

Wonderful item! The Walker & Taylor 10-line printed cancel is scarcer on the 1c denomination than the 2c. Also, the 1870 dated cancel is MUCH tougher than the 1866. Lastly, this is the first multiple I have ever seen with a Walker & Taylor cancel.

Scott # R3c

Horizontal pair of 1-cent Proprietary revenue stamps used improperly for documentary purposes on a New York Central Railroad voucher.

Scott # R3c

Horizontal pair of 1-cent Proprietary, used improperly as documentary revenue stamps. Thomas Kensett & Co. was an oyster and fruit canning company.

Scott # R3c

Horizontal pair of 1-cent proprietary revenue stamps used improperly as documentaries on a holographic check.

Scott # R3c

Horizontal pair of 1-cent proprietary revenues used improperly as documentaries on an estate receipt for grave stones.

Scott # R3c

Horizontal strip of four 1-cent Proprietary stamps, used illegally as documentaries, short paying the tax (should have been 5 cents) on an 1869 payment order.

Scott # R3c

Horizontal pair of 1-cent Proprietary revenues used illegally as documentaries on an 1867 bank check.

Scott # R3c

Horizontal pair with unusual unattributed 'YC' circular handstamps with what appear to be Asian characters.

Scott # R4a

Lovely vertical pair. Multiples are relatively scarce. Ex-Bleckwenn.

Scott # R4c

Block of 4.

Scott # R5a

Nice margins.

Scott # R5a

An example of what I call 'The California Late Imperfs'. Normally imperforates and part perfs with late cancel dates are an immediate red flag for fakery... the one notable exception being a cache/hoard of imperfs that apparently resurfaced from storage late in the taxation period in California, that are legitimate imperforates and part perfs. Normally you don't find imperfs used after 1864, but California examples can be found MUCH later.

Scott # R5c

Horizontal pair with imprint capture.

Scott # R5c

Vertical pair showing a plate scratch running diagonally through both stamps.

Scott # R5c

Fancy negative 'JT' script monogram cancel, the first example I have seen in a multiple.

Scott # R5f

Very rare multiple, with less than 5 examples reported. Grossly undervalued in Scott. 2025 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R6c

Block of 4. Cancel is Tolman C-12A.

Scott # R6c

2014 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Plate blocks of 1st issue revenues are quite scarce. Granted, it has been very heavily reinforced around the edges. There are blue threads on 2 of the 24 stamps, but the PF has determined that it is not silk paper, so the block is not R6d.

Scott # R6c

Tolman N-1B-2.

Scott # R7a

Horizontal pair with right stamp exhibiting the foreign entry of the 1c above and outside the top numerals. Catalog value shown is that of a normal pair.

Scott # R9a

1989 Philatelic Foundation certificate. 2-cent Express imperf pair used illegally as postage on cover, and then a 3-cent Washington (Scott #65) pasted over as actual postage. Green paid 3 handstamp cancel.

Scott # R9c

Block of 24 (8x3) on a document fragment. According to The Curtis Collection census, this is the second largest known block of R9c.

Scott # R9c

Precanceled block of 4.

Scott # R10c

Horizontal block of 6.

Scott # R10d

Horizontal pair. Valued as two singles, as Scott does not list pair or block of 4 values for silk papers.

Scott # R11c

Lovely exhibit-quality multiple, a horizontal block of 12.

Scott # R11c

Blocks of 4 are not typically found on small-size CDVs. Also unusual in that there is a mismatch between the company name on the cancel and the photographer backstamp just barely peeking out over the stamps. Possibly bought out another photographer's business?

Scott # R12c

Per the Curtis Census, this is only the ninth reported multiple of the 2-cent Playing Cards orange.

Scott # R12c

Very scarce pair of 2c Playing Cards in orange. Only the tenth reported multiple of any size. Appears to be from the same sheet and canceled by the same hand as this pair.

Scott # R13b

While R13b part perf pairs are not particularly scarce, truly mint examples with original gum are. The white spots on the reverse are not thins, but rather some gum voids.

Scott # R13b

2005 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Vertical pair.

Scott # R13c

Horizontal pair, the right stamp being the position above the T13a major double transfer, exhibiting DT elements across the bottom.

Scott # R13c

Block of 4 with multiple minor double transfers throughout. Top 2 stamps are canceled with magenta X's, the bottom 2 stamps not canceled. They appear to be precancels of some sort, as all 4 stamps have full gum.

Scott # R13c

Very scarce and unusual document, a Certificate of the Oath of Mail Contractors, Carriers, &c, Required by Law', with two R13c used improperly as documentaries.

Scott # R13d

2c Proprietary silk paper horizontal strip of 3. Severely thinned but a very scarce silk paper multiple. Per the Curtis Census, this is tied with one other strip of 3 for the second largest multiple, with only a single block of 4 larger.

Scott # R14c

Horizontal pair on CDV. There are only a handful of R14c multiples known. California CDVs are also quite scarce.

Scott # R15c

Block of 4 with perfectly centered handstamp cancel.

Scott # R15c

Scott # R15c

Very scarce cancel.

Scott # R15c

Large format oval handstamp cancel. Agricultural dealers.

Scott # R15d

L-shaped strip of 3. Top left stamp is the T15 major double transfer listed by Scott. The bottom right stamp is a different unlisted major double transfer. Here is a closeup of the two DT areas side by side to compare them.

Scott # R18c

Block of 5, vertical pair, and 3 singles of R18c used illegally as documentaries, along with a block of 10 of R15c, paying 50 cents tax on an 1871 indenture.

Scott # R19b

Vertical pair.

Scott # R20c

Vertical pair.

Scott # R22b

Vertical pair, both with handstamp cancels.

Scott # R22c

Verical pair.

Scott # R22c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R22c

Vertical pair.

Scott # R22c

Horizontal strip of 5 with minor double transfers throughout.

Scott # R22c

Beautiful horizontal pair with centered handstamp cancel.

Scott # R22d

2005 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Vertical pair. Several silk fibers also visible on obverse of stamps.

Scott # R23d

Interesting misperf oddity. At first glance, it looks like a part perf pair, imperf vertically, but there is a line of blind perfs down the right side of the left stamp. Also, it is silk paper, so it cannot be a part perf.

Scott # R24a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R24a

Vertical block of 6.

Scott # R24a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R24b

Full vertical strip of 10 (the longest vertical strip possible). Note the poor quality control in the perforations from top to bottom. This is an incredibly late usage for a part perforate stamp, so my guess is that this was used in California, part of the 'Late California Imperf and Part Perf' usages.

Scott # R24b

Vertical pair.

Scott # R24c

Horizontal pair. Dry goods firm.

Scott # R24c

Very common stamp with low catalog value (the catalog value quoted above is for a block of 4 + a pair). However, given the normal poor quality control and centering found on these, the centering of the stamps in this block is actually superb.

Scott # R24c

Block of 4.

Scott # R24c

Wholesale booksellers.

Scott # R24c

Vertical pair with freak perfs.

Scott # R24d

Reconstructed block of 9 of 5-cent Certifcate silk paper, showcasing a large-format flourished '31' processing handstamp cancel.

Scott # R25a

Vertical pair.

Scott # R25a

Interesting document fragment containing a block of 6 plus 3 singles of R25a, a pair of R75c and an R15c single. An enterprising clerk partially prescored (precut actually) the R25a for easy separation at time of use. All of the R25a are valued as singles, rather than multiples (which would be considerably more valuable).

Scott # R25b

Vertical pair.

Scott # R25b

Vertical pair.

Scott # R26c

Mint with full original gum. Full OG mint 1st-3rd issue revenues are quite scarce; the vast majority sold as 'mint' or 'unused' were actually used but uncancelled stamps that were sweated or soaked from documents. Scott does not price them mint, only used. The catalog value shown is for a used block of 4.

Scott # R27b

Vertical pair.

Scott # R27b

Vertical strip of 3.

Scott # R27b

Two strips of 3 of R27b, plus several singles and a strip of 3 of R23c on a promissory note.

Scott # R27b

Very scarce boxed version of the 'SdeV' cancel. One normally finds either circular or large SdeV letter cancels from Simon de Visser.

Scott # R27b

Vertical pair.

Scott # R27b

Vertical pair.

Scott # R27b

R27b horizontal pair, along with 4 singles of R33c, paying the 50-cent tax on an 1863 warranty deed.

Scott # R27c

Despite the muddy impression of the block, the bottom right stamp appears to be the double transfer at bottom variety.

Scott # R27c

Double transfer. Listed but unpriced in Scott. Horizontal pair with both stamps showing doubling at left and bottom.

Scott # R27c

Double transfer. Listed but unpriced in Scott. Major doubling at left and bottom on left stamp.

Scott # R27c

Plate block of 4 used on a tattered document.

Scott # R27c

Block of 10 with the 5 marked positions all being double transfers.

Scott # R27c

Wholesale drug house of Boving & Witte.

Scott # R27c

Vertical pair.

Scott # R27c

October 1865 guardianship bond with 20 copies of R27c, including a block of 12 and strip of 5. The strip of 5 contains multiple examples with double transfers at bottom.

Scott # R27c

Horizontal strip of 4, each with large margins and choice centering.

Scott # R27c

Horizontal block of 10, with the 4th stamp in the top row being the double transfer at top, plate position 34.

Scott # R27d

Horizontal strip of 3.

Scott # R28c

Block of 4. Cross precancel plus manuscript cancel. Full gum.

Scott # R28c

Reinforced pair. As with many photographer cancels, they are precancels. Both stamps have full gum. Ex-Baryla.

Scott # R29c

Horizontal block of 6 plus a single R29c and a single R60c on a promissary note. Blocks of R29c are fairly scarce and nominally illegally usage to use a proprietary stamp as a documentary. The 50-cent Original Process is paying a the tax on a confession of judgement, a very scarce secondary transaction.

Scott # R29c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R29c

Block of 4.

Scott # R29c

Block of six 5-cent Proprietaries plus 2 singles, used illegally as documentaries, on a portion of a note.

Scott # R30c

Tolman B-10.

Scott # R30c

Reconstructed strip of 3 showing railroad manuscript cancel.

Scott # R32a

Horizontal pair with indeterminate blue handstamp cancel.

Scott # R32a

Vertical pair.

Scott # R32a

Vertical pair showing bold strikes of contrasting red SdeV handstamp cancels.

Scott # R32b

Ship brokers. Vertical pair with great handstamp cancel. Unfortunately it's actually a pair of R32a that someone has added perfs to at left and right.

Scott # R32b

Faulty, but one of only two known multiples of R32b imperforate vertically. As a general rule, part perfs are normally found imperforate horizontally, and only some of them exist imperforate vertically, virtually all considerably more scarce as the latter. Ex-Curtis.

Scott # R34c

Horizontal pair with right stamp showing a double transfer at bottom. Not the 'Complete double transfer' listed in Scott.

Scott # R34ce

Horizontal pair exhibiting a very vibrant shade of ultramarine.

Scott # R35e

Lovely bottom margin block of 4. These are fairly uncommon in multiples.

Scott # R36a

Vertical pair, but likely trimmed from a part perf pair, so NOT a genuine imperf pair in my opinion.

Scott # R36a

This one is a travesty... a vertical pair of R36a with a large-format clotheir handstamp cancel. Sadly, it has a piercing (document was stacked on a spindle on a clerk's desk) which results in severe tears to both stamps. It would have been a great showpiece otherwise.

Scott # R36b

Bottom sheet margin pair.

Scott # R36b

Part perforate stamps imperforate vertically tend to be far more scarce than their horizontally imperforate counterparts. However, some are incredibly scarce, and this is one example. To date, I have only been able to find one other reported multiple of R36b imperf vertically, that being a lone strip of three recorded in the Curtis Census. The Scott Catalogue does not currently provide separate values for imperf horizontal vs. vertical part perforates, a long overdue improvement.

Scott # R36c

Straight line handstamps in blue as well as circular handstamps in black.

Scott # R36c

Vertical strip of 5 paying 50 cents tax on a court summons. Double rows of perforations. These are the types of error perfs one would legitimately expect to see, rather than the manufactured diagonal 'freak' perfs one frequently sees.

Scott # R37b

Vertical pair.

Scott # R40a

Top sheet margin horizontal pair.

Scott # R40a

Vertical strip of 3.

Scott # R40a

Early matching usage (EMU) paying 30 cents tax on a promissory note.

Scott # R41a

Irregular block of 5. Per the Curtis Census, this is the 4th largest known multiple of R41a.

Scott # R41a

Scott # R42a

Block of 4.

Scott # R42a

Vertical pair. Horizontal crease at top, but look at those jumbo margins!

Scott # R42c

Vertical pair.

Scott # R42c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R43a

Vertical pair.

Scott # R43b

Top margin block of 4.

Scott # R43b

Vertical pair.

Scott # R44c

Scott # R45a

Horizontal pair. Arms merchant.

Scott # R45a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R45a

Nice horizontal pair with left stamp exhibiting a double top frame line.

Scott # R45a

Scott # R45a

Wondeful double strikes of this diminuitive oval cancel on a horizontal pair. Naylor & Co. was an arms merchant.

Scott # R45a

Block of 4 with punch, manuscript, and block LIQUIDATED handstamp cancels.

Scott # R45a

Horizontal pair. Three cancels on this one... handstamped, punched, and manuscript.

Scott # R45b

This is the largest of 4 recorded multiples of R45b imperforate vertically. Far more scarce than the normal imperforate horizontally. The catalogue value shown is for two pairs. Ex-Curtis.

Scott # R45d

Horizontal pair. Scott value is for two singles, since Scott does not list a pair value for this particular stamp, presumably due to scarcity (there is no listing in The Curtis Census for R45d). Two visible blue threads, one on the reverse of the left stamp and one on the obverse of the right stamp, both highlighted with yellow arrows. Right stamp also exhibits a faint doubling of the top frameline, however not as strong as the Scott-listed 'top frame line double'.

Scott # R46b

Horizontal pair on piece.

Scott # R47a

Gorgeous vertical pair with striking early-use cancel.

Scott # R47a

Horizontal strip of 8 on an 1863 indenture. Per the Curtis Collection Census of Revenue Multiples now maintained by Siegel Auctions, this strip is far and away the largest reported multiple of R47a, with the next largest being a single damaged block of 4 and one strip of 5.

Scott # R48a

Horizontal pair. Insurance agents.

Scott # R48a

Benjamin Tredwell Van Nostrand, a custom-house broker. Ex-Curtis.

Scott # R48c

Deputy Collector of Customs.

Scott # R49a

Very scarce position piece, a horizontal strip of four with full plate number imprint at right. Sadly torn in half and reattached. Catalogue value shown is simply that of two pairs.

Scott # R49a

Block of 4. Manuscript and punch cancels. Sheet margin imprint partially visible at lower right.

Scott # R50a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R50b

Someone ruined a nice imperf pair in an attempt to create an R50b pair ($2,750). Those perfs wander all over the place.

Scott # R51a

Horizontal pair. Fairly tough multiple.

Scott # R53c

Tolman F-1A-2. Pair showing the printed cancels alternating in opposite directions.

Scott # R55b

Vertical pair with punch and manuscript cancels.

Scott # R55b

Vertical strip of 3.

Scott # R56c

Scott # R56c

Block of 6 and pair of R56c, along with an R69c, paying $5 tax on a warranty deed. The block of 6 is tied for the largest reported multiple.

Scott # R57b

Scott # R57c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R58a

Horizontal pair. Custom house cancel; am unsure of the details. I have never seen a crisp readable strike of this cancel.

Scott # R58a

Lovely multiple, a vertical block of 10, a complete strip of the sheet from top margin to bottom. It is the third largest reported multiple, unlisted in the Curtis Census.

Scott # R59a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R59a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R59c

This scratched plate crosses several stamps. Multiples containing more than one position of the scratch are quite scarce.

Scott # R59c

Vertical pair with diagonal plate scratch crossing both stamps. Not the major long plate scratch that Scott lists, but a second scratch at a different angle.

Scott # R62a

Lovely horizontal pair.

Scott # R64b

Vertical strip of 4 with partial margin imprint at bottom.

Scott # R66a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R66c

Two vertical strips of 5 on large indenture.

Scott # R66c

Scott # R68a

Interesting horizontal pair. Left stamp has the left frame line doubled. Note the difference in height between the two stamps.

Scott # R69a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R69a

Scott # R69a

Bottom margin horizontal strip of 3.

Scott # R71c

Great full strike of this bank multi-line cancel, which you would not see on a single stamp.

Scott # R71c

Horizontal pair with very crisp impression, the left stamp exhibiting a horizontal plate scratch running through Washington's hair, proceding part of the way into the right stamp.

Scott # R72a

Horizontal strip of 3. Inverted day slug in cancel.

Scott # R73a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R73c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R73c

Very scarce horizonal pair on document, on Letters of Administration for an estate.

Scott # R73c

Horizontal strip of four, a very scarce multiple. Catalogue value shown is for two pairs.

Scott # R74c

Horizontal strip of 4.

Scott # R75a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R78a

Horizontal pair with bottom frame line is doubled on left stamp.

Scott # R78a

Vertical pair with interesting horizontal line through top stamp. Lovely steel blue shade.

Scott # R78a

Horizontal pair of R78a along with a single R54c paying tax on an August 1863 promissory note.

Scott # R80c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R82a

Horizontal strip of 3.

Scott # R85a

Vertical strip of 3.

Scott # R85c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R87c

Horizontal pair on piece along with an R78c. It's too bad that this was cut down. R87c multiples are scarce and even more so on document.

Scott # R88c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R89a

February 1863 conveyance (deed), Franklin County, Ind., in the amount $6,400, stamped with matching $5 Conveyance imperforate pair. On the reverse, a justice's jurat stamped with matching 10¢ Certificate, this a scarcer usage as this tax was rescinded March 3, 1863, nice 'double EMU.'

Scott # R89a

Horizontal strip of 3.

Scott # R90a

Vertical pair.

Scott # R94a

Horizontal pair with the left stamp exhibiting the Scott-listed double transfer.

Scott # R94c

Horizontal strip of 3.

Scott # R98a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R104

Mint with full original gum. Full OG mint 1st-3rd issue revenues are quite scarce; the vast majority sold as 'mint' or 'unused' were actually used but uncancelled stamps that were sweated or soaked from documents. Scott does not price them mint, only used. The catalog value shown is for a used block of 4.

Scott # R105

Block of 4, tied with 3 other known blocks of 4 as the 2nd largest reported multiple per the Curtis census. Ex-Joyce.

Scott # R107

Margin imprint pair with partial plate number. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R109

Block of 12 with roller/waffle cancel. Stamp at upper left is an unlisted double transfer (tops of numerals, INT.REV. at top).

Scott # R109

Block of 4 with the top left stamp containing a recently discovered double transfer at top. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R112c

Horizontal pair exhibiting sewing machine perforations. Multiples of the sewing machine perfs are quite scarce.

Scott # R115

Horizontal strip of four, the stamp at far right having a double transfer at top.

Scott # R115

1872 3rd bill of exchange, New York to London, from Louis Iken (cotton broker), showing a complete strike of a large format device that Iken used to modify his business checks upon the break-up of his partnership (the bar obliterated the previous business name). Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R115

Horizontal pair with left stamp showing a double transfer at the base of the letters in the top scroll.

Scott # R123

Plate number and imprint pair. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R128

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R135

Left margin plate number strip of 4. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # R135

Left margin plate block of 6, plate 9. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # R135

Tolman N-25.

Scott # R136

Nice horizontal pair with SON cancel. Interestingly, for R136, a pair is the largest known multiple.

Scott # R139

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R140

Horizontal pair with freak perforations.

Scott # R140

Horizontal strip of 5. I don't normally go after multiples or play the '11th largest known multiple' game, but I made an exception for this piece. Even though it is the 3rd largest reported multiple (there is one block of 6 and one strip of 6), the quality of the individual stamps in this strip is MUCH nicer than those other multiples, with each stamp having centering well clear of the perforations, but also there is a margin imprint capture at lower right. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R144

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R144

The triangular punch was part of the canceling device, as it is perfectly centered within the circular handstamp. Unusual to see them in multiples. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R147

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R153

Horizontal pair of 1-cent Franklins with red provisional overprints, used illegally as postage on cover. Interesting CHICAMAUGA NATL PARK handstamp cancel.

Scott # R154

Block of 4 of 1-cent Franklin with red provisional 'I.E.' overprint, used illegally as postage on cover.

Scott # R154

1-cent I.R. provisional overprint block of 15, used on the first day of tax, July 1, 1898.

Scott # R155A

Block of 4 with inverted overprint. Ink voids create a hollow period or circle after the R at bottom left.

Scott # R163

Large format multiline cancel on a 1-cent battleship block of 6.

Scott # R163

Horizontal pair of 1-cent Battleship revenues used illegally as postage on a Spanish American War patriotic all-over flag cover.

Scott # R163

1c battleship documentary block of 10 with partial margin imprint at the bottom, on a document fragment, with interesting patriotic 'Remember the Maine' sentiment written across the block.

Scott # R163a

Scott # R164

Jersey City Station.

Scott # R164

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R164

Block of 4 with partial margin imprint, showing a large format multiline handstamp cancel.

Scott # R164

Horizontal pair of 2-cent battleship documentary revenue stamps, along with 3 mexico revenue stamps, on an 1898 sight draft.

Scott # R164

Very unusual 'deed of stock brand', the first I have seen, transferring the rights to a cattle brand, showing the actual brand symbol.

Scott # R164p

Scott # R164p

Scott # R164p

Block of 4 plus a single. Very unusual document. Not only is the date of the cancel two plus years PRIOR to the date the document was written, but the anti-protest clause at right is overly dramatic, encouraging the bank to 'PUSH VIGOROUSLY' for payment.

Scott # R165p

Irregular block of 19 of the 3-cent battleship revenue stamp with hyphen-hole perforations on a 1901 promissory note. Per the Curtis Census, this is far and away the largest reported multiple of R165p, with the second largest multiple being a block of 6.

Scott # R165p

Mint original gum margin block of 24, with 16 of the 24 stamps never hinged. Very scarce multiple, the hyphen-hole perforated documentaries are considerably more scarce as multiples than the rouletted versions, or their proprietary counterparts. The top and third from top stamps in the far right column contain double transfers.

Scott # R165p

Block of 4.

Scott # R166

Vertical pair with dramatic shift of the rouletting.

Scott # R166

Wide box cancel beautifully centered on a pair of R166.

Scott # R166

Bill of foreign exchange originating in England, with imprinted British revenue stamp, with vertical pair of 4-cent Battleship revenues upon redemption in the United States. Documents with both U.S. and non-U.S. revenue stamps are quite scarce.

Scott # R167

2c Trans-Mississippi (286) used with two each 3c and 5c Battleship Documentary Revenues on registered cover from New Orleans to Edinburgh, Scotland, New Orleans Jul. 1, 1898 registered datestamp, transited New York with registry label applied over 2c Trans-Mississippi, London registered handstamps, Edinburgh and New York backstamps. Most unusual use to pay the 8c registry fee plus double the 5c UPU rate. Despite the illegality of using revenue stamps as postage, this cover passed through both New Orleans and New York without complaint by postal clerks. Ex Dr. Heimburger.

Scott # R167

Unusual unattributed box-shield cancel with initials 'C.C.C.C.' If you have any idea as to the identity of the company, please contact me.

Scott # R168

Pair of R168, along with a single R163, on document fragment. On the reverse is a single British 5-shilling Foreign Bill revenue stamp. Combination usages of U.S. and foreign revenues on the same document are fairly scarce.

Scott # R168

Block of 4 of the 10-cent battleship documentary plus a 2-cent battleship featuring a fancy bold multiline handstamp cancel, paying the tax on an 1899 promissory note.

Scott # R168a

Scott # R171

Vertical pair, along with a vertical pair of R164, along with a R168, R169, and R163.

Scott # R171p

Plate number strip of 4. Scott value above is as 4 singles. Durland lists a plate number strip of 3 at $350.

Scott # R172

Nice block of four.

Scott # R172p

Meticulously written manuscript cancel on this moderately tough pair.

Scott # R173b

Very scarce and under-catalogued imperforate between pair. I've only seen examples come to market 2 or 3 times over the last 20 years.

Scott # R174a

Very scarce and under-catalogued imperforate between pair. I've seen less than 10 examples come to market over the last 20 years.

Scott # R176

Attractive presentation, but cut canceled.

Scott # R177

Nice 3-line handstamp cancel on a block of four.

Scott # R178

Stock certificate #1 from the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B & O Railroad of Monopoly fame), for 400,000 shares of preferred stock ($40 million at the time, equivalent to $1.5 BILLION in 2024), resulting from the railroad's bankruptcy/reorganization, issued to the voting trustees of the railroad. 400 copies of Scott #R178 on the back and attached sheets paid the $20,000 tax (2 stamps have fallen by the wayside over time; only 398 remain). Part of an incredible historical transaction find, which I have chronicled in full on this page.

Scott # R183

Mint full gum block of four.

Scott # R183

Horizontal pair. Fairly scarce in multiples.

Scott # R184

Lovely full-gum MNH block of 4. Very difficult to value, as (1) Scott only lists used blocks of 4, not mint, and (2) Scott does not give a price for never hinged. I have simply applied a MNH premium of 100% to the value for 4 singles.

Scott # R185

Attractive block of 4 with handstamped and cut cancels.

Scott # R187

Horizontal strip of 3 with full gum, presumably precancelled prior to use.

Scott # R191

R191, along with two R164 singles, R167, R168, and R169 on document fragment, along with two British Foreign Bill revenue stamps, one-pound and one-pound and ten shillings. Mixed usages of U.S. and non-U.S. revenue stamps on the same document are fairly scarce.

Scott # R195

Hinged block of four.

Scott # R196

Scott # R196

Hinged block of four.

Scott # R196

Unusual 1914 illegal use cover, with a horizontal pair of 1-cent documentaries used as postage. It appears that the postal clerk misread 'Miss' in the address as 'Mex', and the cover was sent to Mexico where it ended up in a dead letter office. The affixed Mexican postal seal and the violet handstamps match. Violet handtamp reads 'Received in the Dead Letter Department without the corresponding stamp.'

Scott # R196

Horizontal pair of 1-cent documentaries used illegally as postage on a 1915 cover with a preprinted address.

Scott # R197

Block of four, two stamps hinged, two never hinged.

Scott # R197

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R198

Tough multiple. Full gum hinged block of four.

Scott # R199

Hinged full gum block of four.

Scott # R200

Precanceled block of 15 with full gum never hinged.

Scott # R205

Commission merchants. Block of four.

Scott # R207

Precanceled block of 4 with full original gum. Precanceling an entire sheet of stamps using a typewriter must have been tedious work (note the differing horizontal and vertical spacing).

Scott # R210

Scott # R211

Hinged full gum block of four.

Scott # R212

Hinged full fum block of four.

Scott # R213

Full gum block of four, two stamps hinged and two never hinged.

Scott # R214

Hinged full gum block of four.

Scott # R222

Block of 4 with cut, handstamped, and manuscript cancels.

Scott # R222

Vertical strip of 3 with provisional 'F. D.' (Future Delivery) handstamps. Unlisted in Scott but well known within the revenue collecting community. Catalog value shown above is for the normal non-overprinted stamp.

Scott # R222

Used block of 4 showing provisional F.D. (future delivery) handstamps. This provisional handstamp is also found in violet.

Scott # R228

Vivid double impression.

Scott # R228

Irregular block of seven.

Scott # R228

Double impression mint never hinged block of 4. Catalogue value shown is for hinged.

Scott # R229

Double impression block of 4, 2 stamps hinged and 2 stamps NH. Scott catalog value is for 4 singles.

Scott # R234

Nice large-format multiline cancel across a block of 6.

Scott # R234var

Mint OG block of 4 (top 2 LH, bottom 2 NH), double impression. Scott only lists used singles at $5.25 per.

Scott # R239

Plate block of 8. The plate number 32014 is currently unlisted in Durland. Catalog value is from the 2016 Durland catalog.

Scott # R239

Each stamp with a CNB perfin.

Scott # R239

Plate block of 21, quite scarce. Catalog value above is from the Durland Catalog for an unused plate block of 8.

Scott # R248

Vertical strip of 4, unpriced in Scott.

Scott # R250

Mangled, tattered, and torn, but still unusual and interesting. A parcel fragment franked with three complete strips of R250, a strip of three R249, two complete strips of R246, a single of R246a, and several smaller denominations, totalling $13,792.65 in tax paid. Stamps are both handstamped and cut canceled. Catalog value referenced above is for cut cancels.

Scott # R259

Very scarce block of 4. Scott lists but does not price the block of 4 either mint or used. The catalog value above is for 4 singles. This is the first block I have ever seen.

Scott # R290

Sensitive ink. Full gum never hinged block of four.

Scott # R555

Vertical pair with very low serial numbers.

Scott # RB1a

Horizontal pair of 1st issue 1-cent Washington proprietary stamps used improperly paying the 2-cent tax on a check from the First National Bank of Sandusky.

Scott # RB1a

Block of 4.

Scott # RB1c

Unused (no gum as issued) strip of 6.

Scott # RB1c

Right margin block of four.

Scott # RB1c

Imprint margin block of 6, possibly unique position piece.

Scott # RB1c

Bottom sheet margin horizontal pair.

Scott # RB2b

Block of 4.

Scott # RB4a

Top margin horizontal margin imprint pair.

Scott # RB11a

Vertical pair of 1-cent proprietary revenue stamps used improperly as documentaries, caught and a correct revenue subsequently affixed to pay the tax.

Scott # RB11b

Bottom margin plate block of 4, plate 3 mirror imaged. Full gum never hinged. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # RB11d

Very scarce and undervalued in Scott. The population of known examples is in single digits.

Scott # RB12b

Bottom half of a beautiful large-format druggist fancy cancel on a horizontal pair. I would love to see a complete version of the cancel.

Scott # RB13a

Top plate number block of 10, plate 7. Precanceled with full gum. Ex-Cleland.

Scott # RB13c

Horizontal pair.

Scott # RB15b

Bottom plate number strip of 3, plate 3 mirror imaged. Ex-Cleland. Pictured in the Durland Catalog.

Scott # RB15b

Precanceled block of 4 with full original gum.

Scott # RB15b

Large format multi-line handstamp cancel.

Scott # RB17c

2011 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Horizontal pair. One of only 8 multiples reported.

Scott # RB20

Scott # RB21

Horizontal pair of quarter-cent proprietary battleships, used improperly to make the half-cent component of a 2.5-cent rate on a fire insurance policy. Despite Hartford being a fairly large company, they must have run out of the half-cent documentary battleships.

Scott # RB22

Plate block of 9, no gum.

Scott # RB22

Top inscription block of nine, no gum.

Scott # RB23a

Vertical strip of four, imperforate between.

Scott # RB24

Full gum block of four.

Scott # RB26p

Block of 4.

Scott # RB26p

Mint never hinged full gum block of four. Catalogue value shown is for a hinged block of four. Scott does not price NH revenues.

Scott # RB28

Full gum hinged block of four.

Scott # RB28

Line block of 4 used illegally as documentary stamps on an 1899 marriage license. Same document as the one shown on this page, also an illegal usage from the same county, dated 8 days earlier. Each document contributes to the validity of the other. Additionally, this is the same pastor and location as this improper proprietary usage I subsequently acquired.

Scott # RB28p

Full gum hinged block of four.

Scott # RB31p

Block of 4 with full gum never hinged. Extremely scarce. Catalog value shown is for hinged; no pricing is given for never hinged.

Scott # RB45

Vertical strip of 4 of RB45 (or RB33, no way to be certain), used improperly as documentaries, on a bill of lading.

Scott # RB45

Full gum mint never hinged block of 4 of the Scott-listed double impression ('kiss impression' technically). You can see a faint magenta cancel at the right edge of the right 2 stamps, so presumably these were precanceled.

Scott # RB56

Full gum never hinged block of four.

Scott # RB57

Full gum block of four, two stamps hinged and two never hinged.

Scott # RB59

Full gum block of four, two stamps hinged and two stamps never hinged.

Scott # RB63

Full gum block of four, two stamps hinged and two never hinged.

Scott # RB67

Reconstructed block of 4 (two horizontal pairs) double impression. Only listed as mint in Scott, no listing for used. Value shown is for 4 singles.

Scott # RB70

Full gum hinged block of four. Attractive, but thinned.

Scott # RB71

Mint full gum block of 40, with creases and heavy hinge reinforcement. By far the largest known multiple (the largest block in the Curtis Census are several blocks of six).

Scott # RB72

Full gum hinged block of four.

Scott # RB73

Hinged block of four.

Scott # RC20a

Orange serial numbers. Complete strip of 4 (unlisted in Scott) with the bottom stamp being the double transfer.

Scott # RD3

Scott # RE7

Mint NH right margin block of 20. Catalog value shown is for 20 singles.

Scott # RE9

Mint NH block of 4. Catalog value shown is for 4 singles.

Scott # RE15

Lower left corner margin block of 4. Catalog value shown is for 4 singles.

Scott # RE15

Lower-left bottom margin strip of 5 with inventory control number stamped in margin. Catalog value shown is for 5 singles.

Scott # RE15

Top margin block of 4 with a red inventory control number stamped in the margin. Catalog value shown is for 4 singles.

Scott # RE15

Top margin block of 4 with inventory control number stamped in red. Catal value shown is for 4 singles.

Scott # RE20

Block of 4 with full gum, never hinged, with precancel 'DIST HAWAII COLLR. INT. REV.'

Scott # RE29

Mint NH block of 5. Catalog value shown is for 5 singles.

Scott # RE30

Unused lower left corner margin block of 4. Catalog value shown is for 4 singles.

Scott # RE33

Unused block of 10. Catalog value shown is for 10 singles.

Scott # RE34

Three different unused blocks of 10, each showing a different color shade. Catalog value shown is for 30 singles.

Scott # RE34

Unused block of 10 with margin imprint capture at bottom. Very scarce on wine stamps. Catalog value shown is for 10 singles.

Scott # RE36

Unused block of 50 (half sheet). Catalog value shown is for 50 singles.

Scott # RE37

Two unused blocks of 10, each showing a different color shade. Catalog value shown is for 20 singles.

Scott # RE38

Unused block of 10. Catalog value shown is for 10 singles.

Scott # RE40

Unused block of 50 (half sheet). Catalog value shown is for 50 singles.

Scott # RE42

Unused block of 30. Catalog value shown is for 30 singles.

Scott # RE43

Four blocks of 10 of the 1916 issue, each showing a different color shade. The block of 6 on top of them is the 1933 issue (rouletted 7) contrasting the brighter paper of the later issue. Catalog value shown is for singles.

Scott # RE44

Unused block of 20. Catalog value shown is for 20 singles.

Scott # RE46

Unused block of 30. Catalog value shown is for 30 singles.

Scott # RE47

Unused block of 50, quite scarce. Catalog value shown is for 50 singles.

Scott # RE50

Unused block of 10. Catalog value shown is for 10 singles.

Scott # RE51

Unused, but severely toned, block of 10. Catalog value shown is for 10 singles.

Scott # RE52

Three unused blocks of 10, each showing a different color shade. Catalog value shown is for 30 singles.

Scott # RE53

Unused center line block of 4.

Scott # RE54

Unused, but heavily toned block of 8.

Scott # RE55

Unused block of 4.

Scott # RE70

Scott # RE110a

Block of 4 imperforate horizontally.

Scott # RE146

Mint block of 45. Catalog value shown is for 45 singles.

Scott # RE147

Unused block of 4. Ink void in lower left stamp creates 'DOILAR' variety.

Scott # RE150

Unused vertical striip of 4. Catalog value shown is for 4 singles.

Scott # RE157

Unused block of 4. Catalog value shown is for 4 singles.

Scott # RE198

Unused vertical strip of 3, type II (larger letters, circular 5).

Scott # RG2

Never hinged block of four.

Scott # RG4

Never hinged block of four.

Scott # RG5

Never hinged block of four.

Scott # RG6

Never hinged block of four.

Scott # RG7

Never hinged block of four.

Scott # RG11

Bottom margin plate block of 4. Catalog value is from the 2016 Durland catalog.

Scott # RJ7

Set of high-denomination tobacco sale tax stamps: $1, $2, $5, $10, and $10, in used blocks of four.

Scott # RJ10

Vertical pair, along with an additional single RJ10, an RJ9, RJ7, RJ6, two RJ4, and an RJ1 block of four on a memorandum for the sale of 1444 pounds of tobacco. Very scarce on document.

Scott # RJA33

Top margin plate block of 8. Plate block catalog value is from 2016 Durland catalog.

Scott # RJA34

Top margin plate block of 8. Catalog value is from 2016 Durland catalog.

Scott # RJA39

Top margin plate block of 6. Catalog value is from the 2016 Durland Catalog.

Scott # RK1

Vertical pair.

Scott # RK15

Vertical pair.

Scott # RS193b

Pair with double transfer in bottom label of left stamp.

Scott # RVB1

USPS presentation folder given to honored guests at First Day ceremony. Contains complete sheets of 10 of the RVB1 and RVB2 boating stamps. Catalogue value is for a plate block of 4 plus 6 singles of each stamp. Note that the 2 sheets are not only matching serial numbers, but also very low 2-digit serial numbers. These sheets would have been the 10th sheets of each stamp off the press.

Scott # W33

Mint NH complete pane of 10 of the 90-cent Ohio Wine and Mixed Beverage tax stamp, issued in 1965. Catalog value shown is for 10 singles.

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