Number of Imaged Items on Entire Site: 4699


Stamps that either have jumbo margins or have XF/Superb centering.

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Scott # 76

Lovely stamp!

Scott # R1a


Scott # R1a

Enormous jumbo! Parts of adjacent stamps can be seen at top and left.

Scott # R2c

2006 Philatelic Foundation certificate. The horizontal crease mentioned in the cert is so faint that it can only be seen in liquid. Superb jumbo margins. Truly a gorgeous stamp!

Scott # R5a

T & Co.

Scott # R5a

Superb jumbo!

Scott # R5a

Samuel Dexter Hastings. R5a privately rouletted, on document piece. Unlisted in Scott. Rouletting is visible on all 4 sides of the stamp, with multiple vertical rows.

Scott # R5a

Stevens Brothers. Manufacturer of stationary and portable steam engines and boilers.

Scott # R5a

Wells Fargo & Co. Superb example with gigantic jumbo margins and a blue Wells Fargo handstamp cancel.

Scott # R5a

Nice margins.

Scott # R5a

Tallant & Co. An example of what I call 'The California Late Imperfs'. Normally imperforates and part perfs with late cancel dates are an immediate red flag for fakery... the one notable exception being a cache/hoard of imperfs that apparently resurfaced from storage late in the taxation period in California, that are legitimate imperforates and part perfs. Normally you don't find imperfs used after 1864, but California examples can be found MUCH later.

Scott # R5a


Scott # R5b

Wells Fargo. Wonderful one-of-a-kind piece! Not only is it a major double transfer (T5), but it is also an R5b that is imperforate vertically rather than horizontally (as with all part perforates, the imperf vertically are far more scarce than imperf horizontally). As of 2025, it is one of only 3 reported examples of the T5 major double transfer on an imperf-vertical R5b. It is on a piece of a Wells Fargo document, with a California state revenue.

Scott # R5c

Huge jumbo margins.

Scott # R5c

Large jumbo margins.

Scott # R6e

Z. P. McMillen. Currently the only reported example of R6e on a photograph. Exceptional color and centering! Ex-Baryla, from his award winning Civil War Sun Tax exhibit.

Scott # R7a

George Washington Bank.

Scott # R7a

Scratched plate tailing off the last E in CERTIFICATE.

Scott # R7a

Bank of Iowa.

Scott # R8c

J.C. & Co. Superb jumbo margins!

Scott # R9a

John Wood & Co. Superb jumbo. John Wood was founder of Quincy Il and early land speculator in town. He served as IL governor 1860-1861 (10 months), then was quartermaster for state of Illinois.

Scott # R9a

Second National Bank. Beautiful XF example with large margins, exhibiting same plate scratch (lower right numeral) as is found on R9c and R10c.

Scott # R9b

Huge jumbo margins. Part perfs imperforate vertically are considerably more scarce than the normal imperforate horizontally.

Scott # R9b

Village Bank. Very large top and bottom margins. R9b are actually quite scarce on document.

Scott # R11b

Superb example.

Scott # R12c

North Pennsylvania Railroad. Perfectly centered jumbo example with a great handstamp cancel.

Scott # R13b

Sanford & Hayw???. Nominally illegal use of proprietary type as a documentary. Very scarce and exceptional centering.

Scott # R13c

Superb example!

Scott # R13c

Huge jumbo example of R13c on a CDV from an unknown photographer.

Scott # R14c

Whitney & Beckwith. Courtesy of Bruce Baryla — This 'Skull and Bones' handstamp was known to collectors of fancy handstamps by its appearance as a 'sender's mark' on covers mailed in 1857 by the 'Society of Twenty-Two,' a Yale University based fraternal group associated with the famous Skull and Bones Society.

This same handstamp was used years later as a stamp canceling device. As it turns out, the secretary of the 'Society of Twenty-Two' in 1857 was Robert A. Beckwith. He became a photographer and co-owner of the Whitney & Beckwith studio — and he repurposed the handstamp from his college days to cancel revenue stamps.

See this blog entry for other examples with different portions of the cancel.

Scott # R14c

Jeremiah Gurney. A huge jumbo of a stamp.

Scott # R15c

Stamp from Bedford Plate 2B study, slight doubling top left to top, left side to left, and bottom to bottom left. Superbly centered stamp.

Scott # R16c

Nice jumbo margins.

Scott # R16d

Deep rich color.

Scott # R17c

Absolutely gorgeous jumbo, with margins much larger than normally found.

Scott # R18c

Very scarce unlisted double transfer, commonly referred to as 'Eggs North', the outlines of the numeral ovals are offset to the north. There is also an 'Eggs West' double transfer with the ovals offset to the west, although it is not as bold.

Scott # R19a

Scott # R19a

S.B. & Co.

Scott # R21c

The 4-cent Playing Cards is almost universally found faulty or poorly centered. Finding one that is sound and perfectly centered is virtually impossible.

Scott # R22c

G B & C ???. Just a gorgeous stamp and cancel with wonderful color contrast. Company unattributed. Double transfer at lower right.

Scott # R23d

Jumbo margins. Several silk threads viewable on the face of the stamp.

Scott # R24a

Raymonds Insurance Agency. Horizontal pair.

Scott # R24a

Jumbo margins with partial margin imprint at bottom.

Scott # R24c

John N. Stearns. Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York.

Scott # R24c

Very common stamp with low catalog value (the catalog value quoted above is for a block of 4 + a pair). However, given the normal poor quality control and centering found on these, the centering of the stamps in this block is actually superb.

Scott # R25b

D. A. A. Prothonotary of the District Court of Philadelphia.

Scott # R25c

Scott # R27a

New London Northern Railroad Co.

Scott # R27a

Farmers and Mechanics Bank.

Scott # R27a

State Bank of Michigan.

Scott # R27b

Scott # R27b

Edward Atkinson. Treasurer for cotton mills.

Scott # R27b

Scott # R27c

Scott # R27c

Huge jumbo margins!

Scott # R28c

Jumbo margins. Embossed cancel and preprint paper fold.

Scott # R28c

Scott # R29c

Jumbo margins. Also has a scratched plate at right, unlisted in Scott.

Scott # R30c

Manuscript and embossed cancels.

Scott # R31c

A. M. F. Gianelli. 1998 APEX certificate. AMFG = Seller of Italian bitters. This is an lovely example of R31c, which is is almost universally found faulty and poorly centered. The Scott catalog states 'Nearly all examples of No. R31 are faulty and poorly centered. The catalogue value is for a fine centered stamp with minor faults which do not detract from its appearance.'

Scott # R32a

Moses, Taylor & Co.

Scott # R32a

R.C. Clark & Co.

Scott # R32a

Dehon, Clark & Bridges.

Scott # R32a

Macondray & Co. Commission house.

Scott # R32a

H. S. & Co.

Scott # R33a


Scott # R33a

Uncanceled with almost full original gum. I can count the number of true unused 1st issue imperfs with full or partial gum I have ever seen on one hand. Most 1st issue revenues sold as 'mint' or 'unused' are simply uncanceled stamps that have been sweated or soaked from documents. I have quite a few perforated 1st issue revenues with gum, but this is the only imperf.

Scott # R33a

Faulty, but ginormous jumbo margins. Great appearance.

Scott # R35c

Gorgeous jumbo margins and well centered.

Scott # R36a

Scott # R39c

Scott # R40a

Vertical strip of 3.

Scott # R40a

Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad.

Scott # R40c

Scott # R41a

B. B. & Co.

Scott # R41a

Scott # R41a

Bering Brothers & Co.

Scott # R41a

Charles Luling & Co. 2006 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Graded XF 90.

Scott # R41a

Scott # R41a

Scott # R41a

Arkell, Tufts & Co. Ship brokers. Very scarce cancel. The cancel from this company that is normally found contains a 5-pointed star at center, whereas this earlier cancel has an 8-pointed star within the ring of the cancel.

Scott # R42a

Scott # R42a

Vertical pair. Horizontal crease at top, but look at those jumbo margins!

Scott # R42b

Superb margins all the way around!

Scott # R42c

B. H. & Co.

Scott # R44a

Terre Haute & Richmond Railroad Co. Great SON handstamp on a stock certificate from the Terre Haute & Richmond Railroad.

Scott # R44a

George Washington Insurance Company. Tolman G-2a.

Scott # R44c

Incredible 3-margin jumbo.

Scott # R44c

Jumbo margins at left and right with a margin imprint capture at left. There is a double transfer in the lettering of the imprint, which occurred when they erased the Butler & Carpenter imprint and replaced it with the Joseph R. Carpenter imprint.

Scott # R44c

Scott # R44c

Superb example with jumbo margins.

Scott # R45a

Scott # R46a

Scott # R46d

Superb jumbo-margin example. Appears to possibly have a doubled frameline at bottom.

Scott # R47a

Gorgeous vertical pair with striking early-use cancel.

Scott # R47a

Citizens Fire Insurance Co. Tolman C-20b.

Scott # R47a

Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. Tolman C-51b.

Scott # R49a

W.D. Sherrerd. Just a gorgeous example of a steel die oval handstamp cancel.

Scott # R50a

Scott # R51a

Scott # R51c

Charles Taylor. Superb margins.

Scott # R52a

Top margin example.

Scott # R52a

Scott # R52a

Amazing margins, but the tear at bottom right is a travesty.

Scott # R52a

Nice jumbo margins.

Scott # R52b


Scott # R52b

Scott # R52b

Drexel & Co. Huge margins.

Scott # R53a

Tradesman's Bank. 2013 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Exceptional margins, and one of very few examples with a handstamped cancel. The cancel company and exact date are identical to the stamp on Philatelic Foundation certificate 179017.

Scott # R53b

Bottom margin example.

Scott # R54c

Scott # R55c


Scott # R55c

3 huge jumbo margins.

Scott # R56a

Charles Taylor. Impossible date on the cancel (Oct. 1, 1862 is when the tax went into effect). Most likely someone accidentally put in an incorrect final digit in the date slug.

Scott # R57b

Circuit Court of Marion County. Court summons. Absolutely superb centering!

Scott # R58a

Scott # R58a

Interesting APPRAISER'S STORE single-line handstamp cancel.

Scott # R58c

W.S. Dunham, General Agent.

Scott # R58c

Superb jumbo example.

Scott # R59a

C. Marti & Co. Beautiful European style oval cancel.

Scott # R60a

Scott # R60c

Nice left margin example.

Scott # R61a

Scott # R61a

Scott # R61a

One-of-a-kind jumbo right sheet margin example showing portions of the next stamp at top and left.

Scott # R61a

Scott # R62a

Scott # R62a

Lovely horizontal pair.

Scott # R63a

Scott # R63c

W.D. Sherrerd & Co.

Scott # R64a

Superb example with an early use date.

Scott # R65a

Scott # R65b

McA. & W.

Scott # R65c

Perforation error resulting in part of the stamp below being included.

Scott # R65c

This is by far the biggest jumbo of R65c I have ever seen. If not for the pinholes, this would be a candidate for PSE or PF grading.

Scott # R66a

New York Central Railroad.

Scott # R67a

L.E.A & Co.

Scott # R69a

Thomas N. Dale & Co.

Scott # R77c

Exceptional margins and bright color!

Scott # R78a

Curtis & Peabody. Partial margin imprint. Sir Curtis Lamson and George Peabody. They ran a Shipping Firm and were backed by Urial Atwood Murdock, the President of the Continental National Bank, who also sold railroad nails (skipes) at a 200% profit.

Scott # R78a

A. & W. Sprague. Textile mill.

Scott # R78a

Scott # R78a

Charles Luling & Co.

Scott # R78c

Scott # R78c

Absolutely huge margins and well centered. R78c—R80c are notoriously difficult to find well centered, as they were printed very close together.

Scott # R82a

Scott # R86a

Miller & Houghton.

Scott # R86a

Scott # R89a

Scott # R89a

Scott # R89c

Scott # R90a

J.G. Shepherd & T. Menzies. One of the California late imperf usages (normally a date this late would be a red flag for a trimmed stamp, but late date cancels used on imperfs in California are a known legitimate usage). Agents for the Bank of North America.

Scott # R94a

Scott # R96a

2010 Weiss certificate.

Scott # R98a

Horizontal pair.

Scott # R98a

Scott # R98a

Holliday's Cove Railroad Co. Absolutely superb. The Tolman listing example.

Scott # R98a

Wed. W. Clarke & Co. Oil refinery.

Scott # R98a

Absolutely massive margins.

Scott # R98a

Scott # R99a

Just absolutely gorgeous!

Scott # R100c

Margins beyond compare! The largest jumbo of a perforated issue I have ever seen.

Scott # R100c

Scott # R100c

Scott # R100c

Merrimac Manufacturing Co.

Scott # R100d

Scott # R101c

Scott # R101c

Scott # R105

Huge margins; too bad it's a cut cancel. Catalogue value shown is for cut cancel.

Scott # R106

Scott # R110

Scott # R112

Cheap stamp, but superb example.

Scott # R112

Just 1 margin away from being a once in a lifetime specimen. Still not too shabby.

Scott # R112c

Exceptional margins!

Scott # R113

Superb example with jumbo margins. Just the faintest trace of a blue handstamp cancel.

Scott # R115

Scott # R115c

Odells & Mills. Superb example of a VERY difficult stamp. Large margins, sound, and with two crisp cancel strikes. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R115c

Perfectly sound example with great margins and very fresh appearance.

Scott # R116

Foregn entry, design of 70c at top. Excellent margins.

Scott # R118

Absolutely superb jumbo example.

Scott # R119

2011 APEX certificate. Nice centering and very fresh color.

Scott # R120

3 gargantuan margins. Imagine if the top margin were the same!

Scott # R120

Foreign entry, design of $1. Ex-Morrissey. The finest centered example I have ever seen.

Scott # R120

Scott # R122

Simply superb. The $1.30, $1.60, and $1.90 denominations are virtually never found with aesthetically pleasing handstamp cancels. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R126

Cut cancel but wonderfully centered.

Scott # R127

Superb jumbo example!

Scott # R127

Scott # R129

Scott # R135

Huge jumbo margins.

Scott # R135

Absolutely superb jumbo!

Scott # R140

H. L. Routh & Sons.

Scott # R140

Absolutely ginormous jumbo margins.

Scott # R140

Horizontal strip of 5. I don't normally go after multiples or play the '11th largest known multiple' game, but I made an exception for this piece. Even though it is the 3rd largest reported multiple (there is one block of 6 and one strip of 6), the quality of the individual stamps in this strip is MUCH nicer than those other multiples, with each stamp having centering well clear of the perforations, but also there is a margin imprint capture at lower right. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R142

Largest jumbo I have seen of this stamp with three large margins. Unfortunately the top-to-bottom centering precludes grading.

Scott # R144

Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Beautiful stamp with large XF margins, featuring 3 strikes of a very scarce handstamp cancel from the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. ship 'HENRY CHAUNCEY'.

Scott # R145

Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Wonderful stamp exhibiting six strikes from the Pacific Mail steamship 'Rising Star'.

Scott # R146

Scott # R148

Perfectly balanced jumbo margins.

Scott # R149

Scott # R150a

2012 PSAG certificate. Gorgeous jumbo margins.

Scott # R151

Oversized jumbo margins.

Scott # R151a

Inverted center. Four-margin examples are difficult to find; most examples are considerably off-center.

Scott # R189

Very difficult to find R189 uncut and with nice aesthetics.

Scott # R191d

Listed as a tripled surcharge, but I believe this is actually a quadrupled surcharge, which is unlisted. The discolored strip across the center is actually water-soluble varnish, an anti-reuse measure.

Scott # R229

Very nice mint full-gum example of a double impression.

Scott # R355

Scott # RB1c

2004 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # RB2a

Large jumbo margins.

Scott # RB4a

T. S. Sanderson.

Scott # RB5a

2001 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Ex-Scarsdale.

Scott # RB11c

Nice top margin copy.

Scott # RB15b

Full OG. Absoolutely gorgeous!

Scott # RB16b

Scott # RB16b

Victor E. Mauger.

Scott # RB19b

2007 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Ex-Scarsdale.

Scott # RE15a

Lovely example of the double impression. All examples I have found images of have this exact same cancel and date.

Scott # RG11

Bottom margin plate block of 4. Catalog value is from the 2016 Durland catalog.

Scott # RNP5

South Carolina Rail Road. Railroad scrip taxed as drafts.

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