Last updated January 16, 2016 U.S. 3rd Issue Revenue Stamps


The table below lists all the major varieties for the third issue of U.S. Revenues. If I own a particular variety, I have a link to a scan of the stamp(s); an entry without a link means I still need the stamp. Feel free to contact me if you wish to sell/trade me a revenue I need (I'm always looking to trade worldwide classics for U.S. revenues. A blank table cell indicates that this particular variety does not exist for that denomination/type.

Perf. 12Description
R134 R134  1¢ (Claret and Black)
R135 R135  2¢ (Orange and Black)
R135a R135a  2¢ (Vermilion and Black)
R135b R135b       Inverted Center
R136 R136  4¢ (Brown and Black)
R137 R137  5¢ (Orange and Black)
R138 R138  6¢ (Orange and Black)
R139 R139  15¢ (Brown and Black)
R140 R140  30¢ (Orange and Black)
R141 R141  40¢ (Brown and Black)
R142 R142  60¢ (Orange and Black)
R143 R143  70¢ (Green and Black)
R144 R144  $1 (Green and Black)
R145 R145  $2 (Vermilion and Black)
R146 R146  $2.50 (Claret and Black)
R147 R147  $3 (Green and Black)
R148 R148  $5 (Vermilion and Black)
R149 R149  $10 (Green and Black)
R150 R150  $20 (Orange and Black)
R150a R150a  $20 (Vermilion and Black)
R151 R151  2¢ (Orange and Black)/Green
R151a R151a       Inverted Center

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