Number of Imaged Items on Entire Site: 4699

Items that Have Been Professionally Expertized

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Scott # 14

2003 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Very scarce and possibly unique strip of three used as revenues in 1867, a full six years after these stamps were were demonetized (made invalid for postage).

Scott # 75

1978 APEX certificate. 5-cent Thomas Jefferson red-brown (Scott #75) used illegally as revenue on a piece of a ledger from the German import house of Loeschigk, Oesendock & Co.

Catalogue value shown is for normal postal use on cover.

Scott # 294

2015 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Irregular reconstructed block of 14 mint OG 1-cent Pan Americans with counterfeit 'IR' handstamp overprints. Interesting aesthetic piece... would be better if it were genuine.

Scott # R1b

1983 APEX certificate. Very scarce short transfer (bottom of upper stamp). Interestingly, the 1866 usage is very late for a part perf.

Scott # R2a

2010 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Natural preprint paper folds at left and bottom right that are mistakenly referred to as creases on the certificate.

Scott # R2c

2006 Philatelic Foundation certificate. The horizontal crease mentioned in the cert is so faint that it can only be seen in liquid. Superb jumbo margins. Truly a gorgeous stamp!

Scott # R3a

1986 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Purchased as a fake, the decision is an interesting one. I have no doubt that it is not an R3a; the side margins are too tight. However, I question their determination that it is an R3d (silk paper). I scoured both sides of the stamp with 30x magnification and could find no evidence of blue silk threads. Making such a determination based on ink or paper color is not conclusive.

Scott # R3a

1980 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R5b

2015 PSE certificate. Lovely example of the T5 double transfer with a circular handstamp cancel.

Scott # R5c

2003 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Major double transfer (T5). Very scarce on document.

Scott # R5f

Very rare multiple, with less than 5 examples reported. Grossly undervalued in Scott. 2025 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R6c

2014 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Plate blocks of 1st issue revenues are quite scarce. Granted, it has been very heavily reinforced around the edges. There are blue threads on 2 of the 24 stamps, but the PF has determined that it is not silk paper, so the block is not R6d.

Scott # R6d

1996 APEX certificate.

Scott # R7a

2008 PSE certificate. Major double transfer at bottom (T7). Superb!

Scott # R8c

2001 APEX certificate. Major double transfer (T7).

Scott # R9a

1989 Philatelic Foundation certificate. 2-cent Express imperf pair used illegally as postage on cover, and then a 3-cent Washington (Scott #65) pasted over as actual postage. Green paid 3 handstamp cancel.

Scott # R10b

2011 Weiss certificate. Faulty, but legitimate R10b's are as scarce as hen's teeth.

Scott # R13a

2001 PSE certificate.

Scott # R13a

2011 PSAG certificate.

Scott # R13b

2005 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Vertical pair.

Scott # R15e

2014 Philatelic Foundation certificate. An exceptionally rare stamp, much scarcer than the Scott catalog implies. It is on the order of 5x to 10x more scarce than R6e, yet its catalog value is only about twice as much.

Scott # R15e

2006 APEX and 2017 William T. Crowe certificates. The only reported example of R15e on a CDV. Also the finest centered example I have been able to find in my R15e census research. Exquisite piece!

Scott # R15e

1991 PSE certificate listing Eric Jackson, Richard Friedberg, and Robert Cunliffe as expertizers. Blunted upper left corner, but incredibly scarce stamp regardless, with only 26 reported examples of the stamp.

Scott # R19a

2007 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Variety: sewing machine perfs. Most examples are extremely faulty.

Scott # R19a

2007 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Variety: sewing machine perfs. Most examples are extremely faulty.

Scott # R19a

2007 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Variety: sewing machine perfs. Most examples are extremely faulty.

Scott # R21c

2009 APEX certificate. Lovely blue shade.

Scott # R22d

2005 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Vertical pair. Several silk fibers also visible on obverse of stamps.

Scott # R28e

2011 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Small tear at left. Only a handful of examples are known.

Scott # R29d

2006 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R31c

1998 APEX certificate. AMFG = Seller of Italian bitters. This is an lovely example of R31c, which is is almost universally found faulty and poorly centered. The Scott catalog states 'Nearly all examples of No. R31 are faulty and poorly centered. The catalogue value is for a fine centered stamp with minor faults which do not detract from its appearance.'

Scott # R33b

2003 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R34be

2003 APEX certificate.

Scott # R36e

2011 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R40e

1991 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Very scarce part perf double impression. Only reported example on document. Ex-Curtis.

Scott # R40f

2011 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Double impression. Superb example, with the cancel doubled in addition to the design itself... how appropriate. Much more scarce than the catalog value implies.

Scott # R41a

2006 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Graded XF 90.

Scott # R41d

2008 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Reperfed at bottom. Double transfer at left.

Scott # R48b

2008 APEX certificate.

Scott # R49b

2011 PSAG certificate.

Scott # R50b

2011 PSAG certificate.

Scott # R51d

2010 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R53a

2018 Philatelic Foundation certificate. I have classified this as a fake, because the margins are virtually nonexistent, and it was purchased as being NOT a legitimate R53a. However, the stamp is barely tied to the document at the very top, so I do not believe it to be a philatelic creation. Rather, for whatever reason, the party originally affixing the stamp trimmed it close. There is no way to know if this stamp is an R53a, R53b, or R53c. Still, an interesting item. Subsequently received a declined opinion from the Philatelic Foundation, as expected.

Scott # R53a

2013 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Exceptional margins, and one of very few examples with a handstamped cancel. The cancel company and exact date are identical to the stamp on Philatelic Foundation certificate 179017.

Scott # R53d

2010 APEX certificate.

Scott # R53d

2007 PSE certificate.

Scott # R53f

2017 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Only the second authenticated example currently known.

Scott # R58e

1989 PSE certificate. Ex-Cunliffe.

Scott # R60b

2018 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Exceedingly rare. Only a handful known.

Scott # R61b

2003 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R65a

2012 APEX certificate.

Scott # R66b

2011 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Purchased as a fake for reference purposes. An R66a that someone perforated on the left and right sides. The perforations are the correct gauge (12), but are too irregular.

Scott # R69b

2011 PSAG certificate. Is actually an R69a imperf that has been perforated on two sides to fake an R69b. It's too bad, as the imperf was actually a nice example of one of the 'late date California imperfs'.

Scott # R69e

1980 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R71d

2005 Philatelic Foundation certificate. One of the scarcest of the silk papers.

Scott # R72e

1980 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R74a

2005 PSE certificate.

Scott # R82e

2011 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Top half of an R82c used as $1 on document, the bottom half of which was used a day later, on this document.

This image shows the two halves of the stamp superimposed upon one another, showing they are the same stamp.

Scott # R82e

2011 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Bottom half of an R82c used as $1 on document, the bottom half of which was used the day before, on this document.

This image shows the two halves of the stamp superimposed upon one another, showing they are the same stamp.

Scott # R86c

1985 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R87a

2006 APEX certificate.

Scott # R88a

2008 APEX certificate. Strike from the Pacific Mail steamship America.

Scott # R90a

2004 PSE certificate.

Scott # R96a

2008 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R96a

2010 Weiss certificate.

Scott # R97e

2007 Weiss certificate. Nicely-centered R97e with an R89c on a warranty deed, very scarce on document.

Scott # R100c

2004 PSE certificate.

Scott # R102c

2005 PSE certificate.

Scott # R106a

2011 Philatelic Foundation certificate. The Scott Catalog listing example.

Scott # R107b

1991 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Dry goods merchant. Until May 2018, the only reported example of R107b. A second example has now been discovered from the same company, containing the other half of this stamp. An image of the two bisect halves superimposed and aligned can be seen here.

Scott # R112b

2014 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Imperforate used on part of a stock certificate. Very rare. Ex-Morrissey.

Scott # R115b

2014 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Very rare.

Scott # R119

2011 APEX certificate. Nice centering and very fresh color.

Scott # R131

2009 APEX certificate. Socked-on-the-nose handstamp cancels are incredibly rare on the high-denomination 2nd and 3rd issue revenues.

Scott # R135a

2009 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Very scarce on document.

Scott # R135a

1982 Philatelic Foundation certificate. It states that the stamp is genuine, but they decline opinion as to whether the stamp originated on the document. Presumably this is because the stamp is uncanceled and there are no tying smudges.

Scott # R135a

2017 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # R150a

2012 PSAG certificate. Gorgeous jumbo margins.

Scott # R151a

2002 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Four-margin examples are difficult to find; most examples are considerably off-center.

Scott # R157a

2018 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Rare provisional overprint recently listed in Scott, similar to Scott R156-158, but smaller format, on a marriage certificate from Huron County, Michigan. This is the second such document reported.

Scott # R194

2016 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Very tough stamp, not frequently found with a a socked-on-the-nose cancel.

Scott # RB1c

2004 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # RB4d

2018 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Vertical bisect on a complete label for a trial size of 'Fish's Saratoga Asperient' prepared by George H. Fish & SOns, Saratoga Springs, New York. The regular size would have been taxed at 4 cents, hence the 2-cent tax on the trial size. Scott lists but does not price RB4d. This is the first example I have ever seen. I am aware of one other example, found by a New York collector approximately 40 years ago.

Scott # RB4d

Right vertical half used improperly on fragment of a bank check. Scott listing example. 1988 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # RB5a

2001 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Ex-Scarsdale.

Scott # RB15c

2009 APEX certificate. Purchased as a reference fake, a very crude attempt at faking roulettes. The only saving grace is the blue script handstamp cancel.

Scott # RB16c

2008 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Signed by George Sloane and John A. Fox.

Scott # RB17c

2011 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Horizontal pair. One of only 8 multiples reported.

Scott # RB18c

2008 Philatelic Foundation certificate.

Scott # RB18c

2009 APEX certificate. Purchased as a reference fake, this has got to be the most crude attempt at forging roulettes I have ever seen. The edges are crooked!

Scott # RB19b

2007 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Ex-Scarsdale.

Scott # RB27

2-cent proprietary battleship revenue used improperly on a July 1898 check. 2009 APEX certificate.

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